Labrador State School proudly sees itself as a 'Mac' school and one that recognises that technology is essential as a learning tool for today's students.
We proudly boast 2 complete Mac Labs in our school in order to cater for whole classes working on class tasks. These labs mainly consist of between 28 - 30 iMac computers.
We also boast class sets of iPads in the school which can be borrowed for learning and creating in the classroom.
Labrador SS has a BYOD iPad (Bring Your Own Device) program at school in Year 2-6. Students in these BYOD classes bring in an iPad of their own to work with in the classroom. Parents can choose to have their child in a BYOD or nonBYOD class and selection is through an EOI at the end of each year.
Labrador State School is setup with full wireless connectivity for all classrooms allowing true immersion with technology to support student learning.
We recognise the importance of technology and the part it plays in our student's lives but we also acknowledge - it is only a tool for the teacher to use in order to assist the students in the room. We are preparing our students to be learners and to be able to troubleshoot as well as explain their findings and understandings. Our learning as teachers is always evolving and we are always adapting to new technologies that may be able to be transferred into the classrooms.